Isn‘t it interesting that the new “stone age” and the “old stone age” datings coincide with the times of Noah‘s cataclysm and Adam and Eve cataclysm? It is plain that each cataclysm leaves this planet with less than one percent of all life surviving; and those meager spots all over the world where some humans survive, what is left for them to live by and with? Who has even a shovel? Whatever clothes they have how short a time those clothes will last! You can understand how each day, the entire day, total effort is spent in finding food (as in plant food), hunting and fishing, just to survive. The fight for survival is as extreme as unimaginable. Most of those who survive cannot teach language, ethics, mathematics, history, government, or anything, or anything of what we regard as classical education.
If there are children, Dad tells his kids all about the inundation, and they believe him, because it‘s their Dad. By the time there are grandchildren, they don‘t believe a word he says, because, well—um—you know—he has to be little off his rocker to tell stories like that.
In a matter of a few generations, the cataclysm becomes a verbal legend, because who has something to write with or on? And, of those who survive, who has the language skills it takes to write it even if he did have writing tools? Furthermore, who has time to write or teach anything when the top priority of each and every day is survival?